Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Darwin's Dilemma

The documentary Darwin's Dilemma explores one of the biggest kink's in Darwin's theory of evolution: the Cambrian Explosion." The Cambrian Explosion was when a bunch of new kinds of animals appeared in less than 10 million years, which is relatively minuscule in comparison to the rest of evolutionary history.  The fossils that were found provide one of scientist's greatest conundrums.  

The fossils showed the single celled Precambrian phyla abruptly turned into soft bodied multi celled organisms.  The animals were no longer microscopic, but instead were relatively large multi celled complex organisms.  

The Burgess Shale that was found in British Columbia, Canada and in
Chengjiang, China have puzzled ever since their discovery.  The 
Cambrian Explosion which occurred over 500 million years ago were recorded in the fossils of the Burgess Shale. 

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