Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Baby

Over the past few weeks, my plant has grown unbelievably fast.  He has been temperamental, and stubborn, but for the most part, we have gotten along fairly well.  This past weekend we hit a rough patch.  I woke up to and saw that he was dying, wilted and sad.  I was shocked because the night before I had watered him and he was happy.  I gave him some water and less than 2 hours later it was as though nothing has happened.
He also loves the sun.  Every day he tries to reach out and grab the sun and no matter how many times I tell him that the sun will bun him to a crisp, he just does not want to listen.  I have to watch him every day and make sure that when he gets too close to the sun to turn him around and tell him the dangers.
He has a lot of friends too.  Within the first week together, he had invited four other friends to stay over. No matter how many times I ask them if their parents miss them, they just don't want to leave.  I guess I'll just have to adopt them too.
I am glad that they area ll growing strong and tall.
I'll post back in a week or two with more updates.


As the semester comes to an end, I am surprised that my plant has survived.  They have had some rough times and are still struggling.  Over Thanksgiving they got very sick, and have never really recovered.  Of the 5 plants that I had, two are almost dead, one is on its way, and two seem to be thriving.  All five of them have flowers on them but none of them are fully open.  What is odd is that they stopped growing towards the sun.  In fact, it seems as though they have stopped growing at all.  I don't know what caused that, but it is kinda strange.  I hope that they make it through the end of the semester so I can say that I successfully kept a plant alive for a semester!

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